vendredi 10 février 2012

Inspired by Leonado da Vinci

Children in Rainbow and Yellow have been learning about Inventions during History. According to Antonio, “you need to know about the past because it helps us to make new inventions for the future”. As such, we have been studying Leonardo da Vinci who is famous, not only for his incredible artwork, but also for his inventions. Leonardo was particularly interested in human flight. He drew many designs that he thought may allow men to take to the skies.
The children were given the challenge to create a design for a paper airplane. Their designs had to take into consideration the size, shape, weight, the wings, the nose and the tail. They were all given an A3 piece of paper, scissors, glue and a paddle-pop stick. They then competed against each other to see whose design flew the furthest. The competition winner was Yann closely
followed in second place by Asahi. Above are some photos of the children making, and then launching their airplanes.

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