Cap Sciences
grotte de Lascaux

the 28th of November, LMS and UMS went to Cap Sciences to look at the
exhibition “La grotte de Lascaux”. The grotte de Lascaux is a grotto in the
Dordogne in France which is famous for its Palaeolithic cave paintings. We went
in the morning. We walked to the tram station and then took two different trams
to get there. When we got there we split into two different groups. Each group
had a guide to show them around. We saw paintings, models, films (one in 3D),
wax figures and much more! We also played a game where you had to put different
events on a timeline.
(Naima&Marissa) were in charge to do an interview about the exhibition.
This is what we found out:
Why are you here today? Because I organized the
outing and I think it’s very interesting.
– Madame Cussac
Do you like this exhibition? Yes because I
like art. – Molly
What was your favourite part? The 3D
film. – Lucy
How did you find out about the exhibition? The
school told me. – Lily
Have you ever been to the real Grottes de
Lascaux? Yes. – Anouk
After what you saw, would you like to visit
the real Grottes de Lascaux? Yes because I want to see the whole thing. – David
Do you think this exhibition would be good
for the whole family? Of course. It is very well explained. – Catherine
What size do you think the Grotte de Lascaux
is? 200 meters. – Cecile (Guide)
What do you think the paintings represent? A
sketch pad. – Marissa
What would your mark out of ten be? 8. - Naima
Naima and Marissa
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