vendredi 17 février 2012

Dancing Queen

Wednesday Club becomes Abba! Watch our video of "Dancin Queen".

mercredi 15 février 2012

A white recreation.

The snow may have melted away but the children still enjoy talking about the fun they had making snowmen and having snowball fights. It was quite the novelty being able to play in the snow during Recreation (as you can see)!

The Safer Internet Day at B.I.S

On Monday and Wednesday morning we did the Safer Internet Day for children. Ioana Turcu and Isabelle Bidalun explained to the class the dangers of Internet so that we can stay safe. They showed us some little videos on « Vinz et Lou » and others about Captain Cara. We learned that we can do bad meatings on the Internet. Lots of children go on the Internet, even more than the adults ! Mme.Turcu gave us some bracelets and Isabelle some cards of « Vinz et Lou ». Lots of children less than 13 years old have a Facebook account even if it’s not allowed.

We did a drawing of our hands and we wrote on each finger which person we would tell if we had a problem when surfing on the Internet or when using the computer, it’s now displayed on the wall in the school .

We talked about the rules on the Internet and Mme.Turcu showed us the SMART rules.

S is Safe (stay safe)

M is Meet (do not meet up)

A is Accepting (do not accept )

R is Reliable (double-chek the information)

T is Tell (talk whith an adult if problems)

We had a great time !!!

Blanche Raymond, LMS

Would you let your child have Facebook at 13 years old?

Last week in ICT we talked about children who are under age and have Facebook accounts. The legal age to go on Facebook is 13 years old. We all agreed that under the age of 13 you don’t really realize that putting one photo of yourself doing something you shouldn’t, could change your life. It could even stop you from having your dream career even if you have high grades. So next time your child asks if they can go on Facebook and they are under age, say no!

It’s for the best; they will thank you and be very grateful to you when it comes to finding a job.

The majority of the class thought that you should not have a Facebook account under the age of 13. What do you think?

Charlotte Wise, GCSE

Dans ma classe de IGCSE, à l’occasion de Safer Internet Day, nous avons eu un cours sur Internet et surtout comment être prudent avec l’utilisation de ce réseau. Il faut savoir qu’il n’y a pas que des jeunes qui naviguent sur Internet, il y a aussi des adultes ou même des personnes âgés. Ces personnes là n’ont peut-être pas parmi la plupart la même facilité d’utiliser un ordinateur que nous. C’est pour ça que nous devons les aider. Est ce que vos parents savent comment utiliser Internet, manier un ordinateur ou même réussir à l’allumer ? Et si oui, savent-ils être prudent s? Nous avons une chance d’être nés dans une nouvelle génération et nous devons faire partager cette chance là avec les personnes qui n’ont pas les capacités de se servir d’Internet. Nous avons la plupart d’entre nous un compte « Facebook ». Nous avons appris à connaître les règles de sécurité ainsi que comment paramétrer nos comptes afin que l’on puisse protéger nos données personnelles. Après avoir lu cet article, j’espère que vous prendrez compte de ces conseils et surtout que vous aiderez votre famille. Ils n’ont peut être pas l’air de vouloir comprendre mais ils en meurent d’envie et ils seront très content. Allez faire un tour sur ce site si vous voulez apprendre toutes les règles de sécurités.

Emma Kvarby, GCSE

lundi 13 février 2012

Les tortues

Le jeudi 26 Janvier dans la section Maternelle, le group bleu a présenté des danses à quelques mamans en visite. Nous avons ensuite partagé un goûter avec elles.
Tous les groupes de Maternelle ont pu observer les 2 petites tortues d'Alba.
L'aide du TBI nous avons pu voir l'éclosion des oeufs de tortue.

vendredi 10 février 2012

Inspired by Leonado da Vinci

Children in Rainbow and Yellow have been learning about Inventions during History. According to Antonio, “you need to know about the past because it helps us to make new inventions for the future”. As such, we have been studying Leonardo da Vinci who is famous, not only for his incredible artwork, but also for his inventions. Leonardo was particularly interested in human flight. He drew many designs that he thought may allow men to take to the skies.
The children were given the challenge to create a design for a paper airplane. Their designs had to take into consideration the size, shape, weight, the wings, the nose and the tail. They were all given an A3 piece of paper, scissors, glue and a paddle-pop stick. They then competed against each other to see whose design flew the furthest. The competition winner was Yann closely
followed in second place by Asahi. Above are some photos of the children making, and then launching their airplanes.