The project has been centred on the Ancient Greeks and included input from both the History and English departments. The class studied three of the myths linked to Greek mythology; Icarus and Daedalus, Theseus and the Minotaur, Arachne, They also studied how the Greeks lived, the food they ate, the origins of the Olympic Games, and the artistic contributions they left the world. The class made artefacts out of clay, made food using original Greek recipes, and devised some short plays for which they wrote the scripts. Furthermore they each made a Power Point presentation on one aspect of this project. The following photos illustrate the food they cooked and their Power Point presentation.
Making Courgette and feta fritters, Boulette de Courgette et fêta.
Orange in honey and cinnamon, Orange au miel et cannelle.
Greek feta salad, Salade grecque.
Honey and sesame seed cakes, Gâteaux au miel et graines de sésames.
Diane making a Power Point presentation, Diane en train de faire un présentation.
Victor making a Power Point presentation, Victor en train de faire une présentation.